Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Now with more energy

Time flies and things happened faster than I can blog. :-) 

I picked up a few things along the way and put them together into these tips:

1. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger
Don't be a crybaby - if you fall down from learning to ride a bike, get up and ride again. You will master it one day. Life can be hard sometimes, you just need to fight it. 

2. But there is a fine line between killing you and making you stronger
If you exercised pressure on others or if you are used to pushing others, be aware that they might reach their limit, and when they do, there is no turning back. Relationship takes a lifetime to build and maintain, it takes a split second to destroy. 

3. Be compatible is very important
This includes being able to tolerate, understand, listen without getting defensive, sort out misunderstanding, control emotion, and forgive. As much as you want to yell and go crazy, remember that nobody deserves to be treated that way.   

4. Don't let misunderstanding hurt your relationship
If you are at blame, acknowledge it, lower your ego and apologize, otherwise forgive and forget. When your nail grows, you cut the nail not the finger, When misunderstanding grows, you sort it out, don't cut the relationship

5. Don't blame, laugh on it, after all nobody is perfect
If you cannot laugh on someone's mistake, you are at blame, so don't start by blaming others, of course with exception to nuclear mistakes :-)  

6. We receive energy from others - like a moon, not the sun. 
Surround yourself with positive people, and share the positive energy. 

Sometimes we are so used to living in the world where broken things are tossed out and replaced with new shiny ones, that we forget in order to have something that lasts, broken ones need to  be mended. But again, time to move on.. get up and ride the bike again. :-)