Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Living Dead

It took me forever to finish this book by Paul Coelho, but one chapter caught my attention when he mentioned 'living dead'

"I know some people who have been living dead - even though they are eating, working and socializing, they do everything on automatic pilot, unaware of the magic moment that each day brings, never stop to think about the miracle of life, not understand that the next minute could be their last in this planet".

It is difficult to have a life without routine, somewhat disorganized, but with routine, sometimes we get too comfortable and have auto pilot mode on. Wake up - shower - skip breakfast - work - lunch - work some more - coffee - work - dinner - go home - check twitter  and youtube - sleep.

I want to do it slightly different this time, in fact this is going to be my resolution : be positive, start counting blessings rather than lackings, talk to strangers, share stories, appreciate moments.